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Gayle Petrillo

It may be a new work world when this pandemic is behind us.

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

How so? So many more of us are now telecommuting. Any jobs you seek are also likely to have moved to an online format. It’s so much more efficient.

We save time commuting from home to an office and back, and from our office to off-site meetings throughout the day. Traffic snarls delay our efforts to be punctual. I’m not sure about you, but I hate being late, for anything or any reason. My stress level goes up when my tardiness was caused by something out of my control. I always left extra time for commuting; however, inevitably traffic accidents, road construction or something else would pop up at inopportune times.

Working from home is not only more efficient because there are no commutes, it’s money saving as well. Limited gasoline fill-ups; reduced or non-existent restaurant bills (whether for coffee, lunch, and/or dinner meetings); and there are no costs associated with building leases, and other overhead costs. Telecommuting is also more productive in that there are fewer interruptions such as chatting with colleagues at the coffee pot or bathroom sink, or co-workers randomly stopping by your cubicle or office to chat. There are, no doubt other potentially problematic issues working from home, such as children’s needs, animals’ behaviors, and the need not to be distracted by a washing machine, dish washer, lawn needing mowing, etc. The best way to stay engaged when working from home is to set expectations, for yourself, and of others sharing your household. I challenge you to get creative.

Therefore, if your job has changed, through furlough, layoff, or termination, or if your income has been negatively impacted and now you are seeking a new job, how do you prepare for the new job market?

Polish up your resume. Identify your core competencies and strengths. Be sure it is relevant to today’s work world and applicable to each position you apply for. And, keep it to two pages.

Learn and become comfortable with new digital communication platforms. It is likely that at least initial interviews will be conducted virtually. Get familiar with how Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet work. Most are user-friendly to learn and have free baseline level options. It’s also a good time to learn other new things. Consider taking online classes and tap into webinars and podcasts.

Are you on LinkedIn? Create or update your profile. Look at the profiles of others in your field to enhance your own profile. Not only can prospective employers find you on LinkedIn, you can find potential employers as well. Are you ‘seen’ by your connections? Do you post either articles you found interesting or comment on others’ posts? Follow companies that you admire and connect to individuals that work there. Network with those you already know, through school or employment. Connect virtually through professional groups, locally and nationally. It’s easier now than ever before.

Take an outsiders view at your own social media. Search for your own name to see what potential employers will see. Are your home pages professional looking? What have you posted lately? Tread lightly when it comes to social media. What you write is pretty much always out there.

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