First Impressions is an image consulting and career coaching firm. The image you project is analyzed in the first 3 to 7 seconds of meeting someone. This individual may be your next employer or referral source! We work with individuals to present your best written image and coach you on presentation skills including body language, listening skills, eye contact and dressing the part. We help assess and build your wardrobe, improve interview skills through mock interviews, provide networking strategies, and hone etiquette and social skills.

Services | Individual

Career Coaching
Land your dream job. Whether you are seeking your first job, a middle management position or C-Suite leadership role, we identify what may be preventing you from landing that position. We collaborate and coach to help you prepare to meet the challenges of your next role. We identify your transferable skills and goals, and work to enhance the strengths you will bring to your new position.

Resume Writing
Your cover letter and resume are usually the first opportunity to make a First Impression. What do employers look for when identifying the best candidate? What is your paper image? We build resumes that stand out among your competition.

Interview Preparation
Once you’ve landed an interview, are you prepared to present your personal best? We work with you by conducting mock interviews, both virtually and in person, to enhance your confidence.

Negotiation Techniques
Once you’ve received a job offer, it’s imperative to do your homework and not leave money on the table.

Networking Strategies
Networking is an art form. It's more than exchanging your business card with another person. Good first impressions are the door openers for you to make important contacts and obtain referrals. How do you network?

Etiquette & Social Skills
Having proper etiquette can affect whether or not you land your dream job. How many times have you been in a business or social situation and were unsure as to how to approach strangers and begin a conversation? Do you know which utensil to use or which water and/or wine glass is yours? What do you do when someone pulls out a chair or opens a door for you? Let’s have lunch!

Wardrobe Analysis
Do you have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear? Our clients have increased their wardrobe two-fold shopping in their own closet. ​ Let us transform your wardrobe.

Presentation Skills
You have three to seven seconds to make a First Impression. It’s all about appearances. 93% of people you meet will determine whether they want to work with you, trust you, or befriend you, based solely on how you present yourself — from your body language, to how you maintain eye contact, to if you are an active listener, and what you are wearing.

Dress for the Part
Together we will transform your wardrobe and transition clothing you love, but don’t know how or what to wear as appropriate for business and social settings. You don’t have to wear two- or three-piece suits to be professional. Fortunately, today, there’s no absolute in attire. They key is to wear what accentuates your body shape and style. We can help!
Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts
Say “Please” and “Thank You”
Mute Your Phone
Make Eye Contact
Shake Hands
Prepare in Advance/Know Your Audience
Be Confident
Listen Actively
Be Aware of Your Body Language
Place Your Napkin on Your Lap
Acknowledge All Compliments
Chew Gum
Eat or Talk With Your Mouth Full
Blow Your Nose With Your Napkin
Double Dip
Neglect Hygiene
Lie or Exaggerate
Eat With Your Hands
Lean Back in Your Chair
Show Up Late